Alfred the Scheme Mainframe

The expert on anything involving Scheme. He's usually offering important information about how to use Scheme functions. At the same time, Alfred often has to keep Glitcher from causing trouble.

Glitcher the Rogue Mainframe

As his name suggests, bugs are his specialty. Creating them, that is. Glitcher's main hobby is to pester everyone else with error messages and segmentation faults.

Scheme 'Bots

The Scheme 'Bots
Alfred's little helpers, inspired by the robot arms that assemble cars. They spend their time offering Scheme advice and goofing off. They also love card games!

The Dataset

The Dataset
These are the things users give to and receive from their programs. They come in all sorts of shapes, sizes, and values!

The Procedures

The Scheme Procedures
If it weren't for these guys, no one would be able to get anything useful out of Scheme. They may look very different from the Dataset, but they too can be the input and output of programs!

The Bouncer

The Bouncer
A rather large fellow who inspects everything going to the processing center. One of his main duties is to catch unbound variables to prevent errors. His work is behind the scenes, so he's not seen very often.

Xavier the Binary 'Bot

Xavier the Binary 'Bot
For all your computer number representation needs, it's Xavier! Pretty much only the machines can converse with him, since he speaks only in binary.

Julienne the Hexadecimal 'Bot

Julienne the Hexadecimal 'Bot
When binary takes up too much space in your text editor, Julienne is there for all your hexadecimal needs. She speaks only in hex digits, so most will need a hex decoder when chatting with her.

Chester and Matthias, C Mainframe and Compiler

Chester and Matthias, C Mainframe and Compiler
Through compiled printf statements, Chester (top) can speak in plain English. He's the one to go to for C and machine structure help. Matthias doesn't talk much, but he'd be happy to help point out compile-time errors.